
Tutorials : all Bouvard Fleurs plant tips

Would you like to learn how to create your own bouquets from the comfort of your sofa? Looking for tips on how to care for your plants? Or would you like to find out how to choose the right flowers? Sit back and relax, as your Bouvard Fleurs florist delivers a variety of flower tutorials on our blog! Take advantage of our 50 years of floral experience to benefit from quality advice.


Bouvard Fleurs plant tutorials

From plant care to variety selection to floral design... Bouvard Fleurs reveals techniques and practical advice in the form of flower tutorials for all plant enthusiasts.

Plant care

When you buy a plant, you may have many questions about its care:

  • How should they be cared for?
  • How do you make sure it stays in perfect health?
  • How to prevent the appearance of microbes or parasites?
  • When and how to repot?
  • How often should it be watered?
  • How to manage humidity levels?
  • Where should it be placed in your home?

Bouvard Fleurs guides you, step by step, to learn how to care for your plants while respecting the specific characteristics of each variety.

Learn how to choose your plants

On the Bouvard Fleurs blog, you'll also discover how to choose your flowers and plants. In fact, before falling for a flower arrangement or a potted plant, you need to take stock of several parameters:

  • What's the role of the plants you're welcoming into your home? Ornamental? Pollution control? Or any other purpose?
  • Where should they be placed?
  • How much time do you want to devote to their upkeep?

All these factors will guide your choice from among the wide range of existing varieties.

Creating floral arrangements

In this section, you will also learn how to create your own floral creations:

  • Round bouquets
  • Wreaths
  • Centerpieces
  • Flower arches
  • Flower combs
  • Fresh or dried flower bracelets
  • Buttonholes
  • Flower garlands
  • Christmas wreaths...

Take advantage of professional advice to learn all about the technical gestures that will help you create beautiful bouquets. And if you'd like to learn even more, come along to our floral art classes!

Bouvard Fleurs, an experienced florist

For over 50 years, Bouvard Fleurs has been creating colorful, personalized floral arrangements for your events and special occasions. For individuals and companies, our creations are available on our website or in our boutique in Perly-Certoux (Geneva). We also offer flower subscriptions and deliver our floral arrangements to the location of your choice.

Would you like to discover our world? Take a look at our blog posts dedicated to flower tutorials!

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