Your florist in Geneva

Bouvard Fleurs SA is bound by a duty of confidentiality with regard to third parties - other than those necessary for the execution of orders - in order to respect the confidentiality of information relating to the execution of an order or a floral transmission to a partner (messages, personal details, bank details) or any other element enabling the identification of the ordering customer or the recipient.


Personal data is collected by the company Bouvard Fleurs SA 74 route de base 1258 PERLY -CERTOUX.

For the provision of services, the customer who places the order provides Bouvard Fleurs SA with the contact details, in particular the telephone number, of the recipient of the purchase in order to ensure the delivery of the order to the recipient and to provide advice and information on the order and on the services and offers of Bouvard Fleurs SA. In this case, and notwithstanding the above, the customer acts as the holder of and is responsible for the processing of the recipient's details.

The customer is solely responsible for communicating the personal details of the recipient that he provides to Bouvard Fleurs SA for the execution of the order. The customer undertakes to have obtained the explicit and informed consent of the holders of the details that he provides to Bouvard Fleurs SA and guarantees Bouvard Fleurs SA against any claim from the latter as a result of this. Bouvard Fleurs SA acts only on the will and in the name of the ordering customer in the capacity of service provider processing the orders placed by the customer. As a result, the ordering customer releases Bouvard Fleurs SA from any liability in the event of a breach of the obligations arising from the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) relating to the collection and communication to Bouvard Fleurs SA of the recipient's details for the purpose of sending messages to the recipient.


The data collected is as follows: surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, order history, floral preferences, complaints, as well as the surname, first name, postal address and telephone number of the recipient. They are used for the following purposes:

- Order management: Customer information and data are collected as part of an order or floral transmission, and are required to manage the order and commercial relations.

- Personalisation of our services: Customer information and data also enable Bouvard Fleurs SA to improve the services we offer on our website and in all our shops, particularly in terms of customer care.

- Bouvard Fleurs SA information and newsletters: Customers can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter or by contacting

After unsubscribing, your e-mail address will be immediately deleted from the object in question, unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data.

Bouvard Fleurs SA, through its online shop, undertakes to comply with the following data protection provisions. As soon as sensitive customer data is collected (name, address, payment information):

- Personal data must only be processed for the purpose indicated at the time of collection.

- This information may not be communicated outside Switzerland, unless legal exceptions are observed.

- Personal data must be protected against unauthorised processing by appropriate technical and organisational measures.

The Bouvard Fleurs SA website does not use cookies. In order to protect your data, has a secure connection (https://). Payments to our website are collected and processed via Saferpay, a secure payment platform. When you use our website for information purposes (without registering or providing any information), we only collect the following data

- the web page you visit

- date and time of access

- amount of data sent

- source/reference from which the customer arrived on the page operating system

- browser used

The purpose of the processing is to improve the functionality of our website; the data will therefore not be used in any other way.

Bouvard Fleurs SA reserves the right to use this data, the electronic or telephone details of customers to send commercial information intended to promote its services, to the exclusion of any other use of direct canvassing on behalf of third parties.



Bouvard Fleurs SA undertakes to keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The retention period for personal data is determined by the legal retention period (commercial and tax retention period).

4. Recipient of data

Bouvard Fleurs SA only communicates the personal data of its customers and the personal data provided by the latter to Bouvard Fleurs SA in connection with their order to authorised and specified third parties. The recipients of this personal data are, in particular, the following:

- Any trusted partners in connection with floral deliveries

- Any co-contractors

Bouvard Fleurs SA requires its potential co-contractors and partners to undertake to take all necessary precautions, with regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented by this processing, to preserve the security of the data, and in particular to prevent it from being used by unauthorised third parties.


Each customer has the right to information, opposition, access, rectification, limitation and deletion of their personal data, on simple request by writing to the company Bouvard Fleurs SA 74 route de base 1258 PERLY-CERTOUX.

The request must be accompanied by the elements necessary for identification (surname, first name, email) as well as any other information necessary for confirmation of identity. In accordance with the regulations in force, their request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing their signature and must specify the address to which the reply should be sent. A reply will be sent to the customer as soon as possible after receipt of the request. Persons whose personal data is processed in connection with an order placed by the customer may exercise their rights with Bouvard Fleurs SA. Furthermore, if the customer no longer wishes to receive the newsletter, they can click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each communication.