Flower bouquet delivery

Flower bouquet delivery



How sweet this bouquet seems, Elise. Pastel and romantic mix, profusion of petals and tenderness.

The Fuchsia

A cameo of roses and wild flowers. A subtle marriage of wild grasses, lisianthus, wallflowers, grasses, and roses for a delicate, refined and romantic bouquet.

The Lavender

Soft colors and wild flowers are the ingredients of this floral poem. Lisianthus and waxflowers brush against each other, eucalyptus and grasses respond. Hues of lavender and peach combine to create a delicate and romantic bouquet.


A hymn to joy and lightness with our Cleo bouquet. Our magical clematis befriend roses, lisianthus and eucalyptus.


Discover Stella. An explosion of colour for an energetic, vitamin-packed bouquet. 


Fall for Angèle, our beautiful mix of seasonal flowers in shimmering colors!

The violin

Parma, lila, purple, mauve, byzantium or lavender... A delicate cameo for an airy and slender bouquet. Delicate mix of roses, wax flowers, wallflowers, wild flowers..

Love me tender

Soft and fresh colors for this adorable and soooo romantic bouquet!

The Wild

So much energy in this bouquet with sumptuous colors! Parma, fuchsia, lavender, apricot and mauve combine in this singular creation.


Spring is back, and with it, a farandole of poetic and wild flowers. Discover Constance, our beautiful pastel and luminous blend.


A little bit of love in this world of brutes! Here is Maya and her warm and deep colors.

Sweet honey

a bouquet with colors as sweet as honey. Discover "Sweet Honey

the oriental

Soft colors and wild flowers are the ingredients of this festive bouquet. Like an invitation, a journey to elsewhere Lisianthus and limonium flowers brush against each other, while eucalyptus, mimosa and grasses respond. Lavender hues, coppery reflections and peachy tones combine to create an atmosphere of relaxation

The Bianca

A floral cloud. In this beautiful effect bouquet, the delicate petals of white roses, the graceful buds of lisianthus, the immaculate whiteness of chrysanthemum, and the lightness of gypsophila intermingle

A croquer

There's no need to complicate things. Order your trio now, because nothing says "I love you" like a fine wine, Coffola®-coated hazelnuts and a bouquet of roses. Treat yourself and make this Valentine's Day truly memorable.

Coeur tendre

Immerse yourself in the radiance and sweetness of love with a dazzling, unique bottle, a magnificent bouquet and gourmet Coffola® ballotins. A sensory experience that captures the magic of the moment Price

Fou de toi

 You've asked for it, you've loved it, and this time, the "Les trois Ours" cuvée comes with a magnificent bouquet of carefully selected roses and a surprising bar of Coffola®. An exceptional wine, elegant flowers and divine Coffola® - because your other half deserves the best.

Order a bouquet of flowers and have it delivered to your home from Monday to Saturday

Discover our mixed flower bouquets

Throughout the seasons, discover our beautiful mixed flower bouquets.

Made with care and love, our florists make it a point of honor to compose mixtures of quality flowers, freshness and seasons.

Make your choice!

Our bouquets are delivered throughout Switzerland from Monday to Saturday, except on Sundays and holidays.