Christmas Flower Delivery

Christmas Flower Delivery


The turquoise

Feather carried away by a cold wind. This one landed among the petals of anemones. Golden branches and rose thorns hold it prisoner Melancholic, the thistles whisper to the stars, while the lisianthus buds stretch to the sky. The varieties used may change according to our arrivals
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The Extravagant

Fine floral lace that are carnations, ranunculus and delicate euphorbia. Pine and acacia mix with exuberant orchids and proteas for an explosive mix. A combination of coral, orange and fuchsia for an invitation to travel, in the heart of winter. The choice of plants used may vary according to our arrivals
  • Out-of-Stock

Order a bouquet of flowers for Christmas and have it delivered at home from Monday to Saturday


Come and discover our sumptuous confections and bouquets for the end of the year celebrations.