Mother's Day Flower Delivery

Mother's Day Flower Delivery



Here is Rita, the perfect bouquet to please or to please yourself, at a low price! Peonies, clematis, limoniums and lagurus combine in a bright and cheerful bouquet.


How sweet this bouquet seems, Elise. Pastel and romantic mix, profusion of petals and tenderness.


A little bit of love in this world of brutes! Here is Maya and her warm and deep colors.

The Nina

An exquisite profusion of endlessly-flowering roses, graceful delphiniums and delicate lisianthus.  A charming bouquet with a ‘so British’ feel 

The Bianca

A floral cloud. In this beautiful effect bouquet, the delicate petals of white roses, the graceful buds of lisianthus, the immaculate whiteness of chrysanthemum, and the lightness of gypsophila intermingle

The Wild

So much energy in this bouquet with sumptuous colors! Parma, fuchsia, lavender, apricot and mauve combine in this singular creation.

The Juliette

Tender Juliette . Powdery and luminous shades for a delicate and feminine bouquet.


Spring is back, and with it, a farandole of poetic and wild flowers. Discover Constance, our beautiful pastel and luminous blend.

The Pastel

Parma, persian, incarnate, bisque ... A delicate cameo for a generous bouquet where voluptuous garden roses and plain dahlias intermingle. Soft and past tones, in a profusion of petals.
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Order a bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day and have it delivered to your home from Monday to Saturday

For us florists, it's THE most important and engaging celebration! Every year, on the 2nd Sunday of May (in Switzerland), Mother's Day takes place. 

Our Perly-Certoux workshops are then transformed into a hive where everyone is busy making round bouquets, armfuls of roses or peonies, compositions and little attentions for mothers, but also for daughters, sisters, and grandmothers of our customers. 

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Flower arrangements for Mother's Day 

At the beginning of May, around Mother's Day, nature is quite generous with the flowers that grow in the ground or in greenhouses. It is therefore possible to create great varieties of floral compositions. As France (also a flower-producing country) does not celebrate mothers on the same date as us, we find on the market and at our local suppliers plants in abundance.

For Mother's Day, the round bouquet made up of local flowers is very popularAfter a period of great exuberance (Christmas, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day), we generally witness the return to a certain calm, and the return of softer colors. At this time of the year, customers prefer to reduce the use of accessories, in favor of bigger bouquets, with more flowers. Elegant, classic, minimalist, romantic, or bohemian … your mom deserves the best you can offer. We make the floral arrangement match every personality. It is in the intimate atmosphere of our boutique that we develop together the perfect bouquet.

In the shop, you can find many varieties of flowers at this time of year, such as: roses (more than 80 different varieties at Bouvard Fleurs), peonies, hydrangeas, lilac flowers, forget-me-not flowers, grape hyacinths, lisianthuses, heart of Mary flowers, and tulips.

During Mother's Day, we also offer heart-shaped bouquets and compositions for sale. Because of its shape, the heart inspires tenderness and gentleness. It also conveys emotions and a universal message of love and affection. We also have an impressive selection of basketry, ceramics and unique vases, for the realization of the composition of your dreams.  

It is also possible to choose the flowers according to their symbolic representation: 

  • White lilies  for purity 
  • Forget-Me-Not for immortal remembrance 
  • The peony for beauty and splendor
  • The rose for perfection 

For Mother's Day, our customers particularly appreciate our magnificent effect bouquets and our creations of grandiose round bouquets. Generally, its shape is round and peaceful, made with flowers of full and generous shapes, which rest the gaze. The colors are up to everyone. It is possible to play with colors, since it is thanks to them that feelings and moods are expressed, and since each mother is unique! For more spontaneity and elegance, choose a slender bouquet, with long stems. You can also pick a beautiful blend of roses, symbols of eternal love, or an armful of our magnificent local peonies. Of course, we can offer you to attach a message and a matching vase with the bouquet. 

Our web-shop for delivery anywhere in Switzerland

Does your dear mother live in Zug, Soleure or Tessin and you would like to send her one of our beautiful bouquets? No problem ! We also have an online store and a delivery service throughout Geneva and throughout Switzerland ! Click, pick your bouquet size, delivery area and recipient, and we'll take care of the rest!  

Discover our special Mother's Day collection

Greenery and wild grasses, graceful lisianthus buds, lacy hydrangeas, pale roses with silky petals, delicate peonies, all come together in voluble bouquets, similar to English gardens. 

Accept one of our invitations to travel! To delight an adventurous, dynamic and adventurous mum or sister, choose one of our flamboyant and spicy bouquets. The flowers are from here, the pigments are from elsewhere. The scents are captivating and sweet. On the banks of the river Ganges, we captured the beauty of orchids and the richness of its colorful petals.

The delicacy of a berry, the coral of a peony petal, the shiny fruits of Phytolacca in the interstices of a rose. The ocher of a calla… We mixed madras, coriander, cinnamon and tonka. Bouquets that will make your mum dream of far away and that we make with the utmost detail.

White roses, variations of warm or pastel tones, round or slender bouquets, bouquets of dried flowers, our online store is full of pearls! Each of our bouquets are made with fresh flowers of the day, always making a point of honor to their qualities. 

Easy, fast, quality and at attractive prices : It has never been easier to send flowers. 

You can also, choose to accompany your bouquet with a good bottle of Geneva wine, or why not, a delicious box of chocolate, made in the canton with passion and know-how.   

Gifts that last 

Want a gift that lasts? Are you saddened by the ephemerality of a bouquet of flowers? Does your mom have an artistic soul?

Why not give her a voucher for one of our floral arrangements classes? No matter the season or the celebration, our florists invite you to explore a multitude of floral creations. From a centerpiece for the holidays to a round seasonal bouquet, an unusual bouquet or a composition of dried flowers, she will discover in two hours our secrets and tips for expressing her creativity through the language of flowers.

Our floral workshops are personalized, and your mother will be able to pick the date and time of her choice or to request specific themes. All the equipment: plants, work tools and aprons, are made available by us. Your mom just needs to come with her desire to create.

Classes take place in our workshops in Perly-Certoux (Canton of Geneva) 

Our address: 
 Bouvard Fleurs, Route de Base, 74 1258, Perly-Certoux, Geneva

Access by public transport  : bus 42, stop Certoux, Village.

If you come by car : parking spaces are available.

Reservation by phone or email at:  

Telephone:  +41 22 771 48 43


Your green-fingered mom? She dreams of a lush jungle in her living room? Come and discover our beautiful specimens of green and flowering plants in store! Various cacti, crassulas, clusias, philodendrons, orchids, suspension plants and flowers for the exterior, we sure have the perfect plant for her!   

In addition, we have a beautiful collection of flowerpots to showcase your mom's plant! 

Head over to Bouvard Fleurs to find the perfect gift! 

A little history 

An embryo of Mother's Day already existed in Roman and Greek civilizationsIn Ancient Greece, in the spring, Rhea, the mother of all the gods, was celebrated. The Romans, for their part, celebrated in June the “Matralia” festival of women and mothers.       

The Christian religion gradually made these pagan customs disappear.

In England, as early as the 16th century, a feast called “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated at the beginning of Lent. This date was then set for the 4th Sunday in spring. This feast was an opportunity for all the mothers who worked as servants in wealthy families to return to spend the day in their homes with their families, since they had time off on this occasion.  

In the United States, some people wrongly refer to Julia Ward Howe. In 1862 this writer and feminist promoted a national Mother's Day in the USA. In these times of civil war (war of secession) this holiday should not honor mothers, but rather bring them together in a kind of “Anti-war movement”; Julia Ward Howe wanted to get American mothers to take a stand against the war and thus ensure that no more human lives were sacrificed.   

It is undoubtedly thanks to Ann Jarvis that we owe the reintroduction of Mother's Day. At the beginning of the 20th century, she promoted a Memorial Day for all mothers, the second Sunday in May, in memory of her deceased mother. She distributed 500 white carnations in front of a church, to each of the mothers present. In 1909, Mother's Day was celebrated in 45 states of the American Union and in 1914, Congress declared Mother's Day an official holiday.  

In Switzerland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1917 and takes place on the second Sunday of May. It was established following the United States and was modeled on the American custom, as was the case for other countries in Europe and in the world such as Germany, Austria, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Turkey, and Australia.   

Flower Vending Machine

If you are unable to come to our shop, we provide you with two Flower Vending Machines accessible 24H and 7 days/week (in Perly-Certoux and Carouge). During this busy period, our teams of collaborators take turns so that the vending machines are always filled with our finest creations.        

Accessible every day and at all hours of the day, composed of mixed flowers, roses, seasonal and regional flowers, our bouquets are stored in a controlled environment, in order to guarantee freshness and durability. We constantly renew of our floral arrangements. The water is replaced at regular intervals and the flowers changed every day. Our bouquets are accessible for all budgets. (from 20.- to 40.- CHF).